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Fire Detection Systems 

Intelligent and Conventional Type Of Fire Detection & Alarm Systems

The Fire Alarm Systems has a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, Fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present. These Alarms may be activated automatically from Smoke Detectors and heat detectors or may also be activated via manual Fire Alarm Systems activation devices such as manual call points or pull stations. Alarms can be either motorized bells or wall mountable sounders or horns. They can also be which sound an Alarm, followed by a voice evacuation message which warns people inside the building not to use the elevators. Fire Alarm sounders can be set to certain frequencies and different tones including low, medium and high, depending on the country and manufacturer of the device.
NFPA 72, The National Fire Alarm Systems Code is an established and widely used installation standard.
There are Conventional and Addressable Fire Alarm Systems used widely in All segments such as Residential, Commercial, Offices, Institutions, Industry, warehouses, etc.

Benefits of Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

For large buildings or sprawling campuses, Addressable Fire Alarm Systems deliver unmatched precision and reliability. Since they show exactly which devices are going off, it makes it extremely easy to figure out either where there is a Fire or, in the event of a false Alarm, which specific device is having a problem.
Another benefit of Addressable Fire Alarm Systems is that they require less cabling than Conventional Fire Alarm Systems. All of the devices installed as part of an Addressable Fire Alarm System connected to a single cabling loop that runs through the entire premises, making it easy to add new devices to the existing System.

Benefits of Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

The Conventional Fire Alarm Systems can be set up in zones, with each zone hardwired to a control panel or zone expander. Conventional Fire Alarm Systems are much less expensive and require significantly less labour to install. If your business needs Fire Alarm Services, including Installation, Inspection and Repair, Contact Us.

What’s the difference between Conventional and Addressable Fire Alarm?

  • The biggest difference between Conventional and Addressable Fire Alarm Systems is scale. Conventional Fire Alarm Systems are ideal for small buildings, such as individual offices or retail shops. They go off individually when they detect smoke or heat and will help everyone escape from your building Safely and Quickly.
  • The Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are a necessity for large building complexes or campuses. Addressable Fire Alarm Systems can be customized in a variety of ways, including:
    Different devices have different Alarm thresholds based on their location
  • An enunciator panel in the front of your building to show exactly which devices or zones are Alarming Scalable networks that allow you to add zones with ease
  • The Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are typically more expensive than Conventional Alarms, but the extra information they provide to firefighters and building managers is invaluable.

Public Addressable Fire Alarm System

High-quality Public Addressable Fire Alarm Systems and Voice Evacuation Systems are essential for dealing with security and safety challenges. A basic Public Addressable Fire Alarm Systems consists of Controller, Amplifier, Speakers and Mike, depending on Configuration of Systems. Public Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are used in Residential, Commercial, Corporate, Industry and all other places for effective announcements with Humans. It is one-way communication.

Conventional Fire Alarm System

Releasing Systems & Suppression Control Units

Addressable Fire Alarm System

Public Address System

Aspiration Detection System

Gas Detection System