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Fire Protection Systems

Fire Hydrant System

The Fire Hydrant Systems are used to Protect Premises from Fire Hazard and easily available source of Fire Fighting for Fire Fighters during Emergency. It consists of high pressure water pumps Designed to increase the Fire Fighting capacity of a Protected Premises by boosting the pressure in the hydrant line while Fighting Fire. This is Engineered Systems and installed in strict adherence to the relevant Fire codes.
Fire Pump room is Heart of Fire Hydrant Systems and it consists of various Fire Fighting Pumps such as Jockey Pump, Main Electric driven Hydrant Pump, Diesel driven Standby pump. These pumps selection is done according to National, International Guidelines based on Number of Hydrant outlets.

We recommend to have Positive suction for Fire Fighting pumps. As per NBC 2016 also Installation of Negative suction arrangement and submersible pumps are not allowed.
Also Pump house shall be separated by Fire walls and Entry door shall have 120 min Fire Rated Door. It should also have proper ventilation.

Fire Hydrant Systems is one of oldest Systems used for Fire Fighting and yet most effective and common Fire Fighting Systems. A well Designed and well laid out Fire Hydrant Systems forms the backbone of Fire Fighting Systems. It comprises of Heavy duty above and underground piping with Hydrant Outlets at strategic locations. External and Internal Fire Escape Hydrant valves are provided at every strategic location as per Fire codes. Fire Hydrant Pipe network also has Valves to control flow of Water. Fire Hydrant Systems are Designed to Fight Fire for huge proportions in all class of Fire risks. It is Designed to be in operation even if any part of structure collapses. Fire Hydrant Systems is closed ring and water flow from both directions.
We follow national, International guidelines to Design, Implement Effective Fire Hydrant Systems such as NBC, TAC, NFPA, FM Global, IS Standards.

Wet Riser System

The Wet Riser System is provided for High rise residential or commercial Buildings above 15mtr Height Typically. Wet Riser System is connected to External Fire Hydrant Systems and Pump room for sourcing water. The Wet Riser runs through Fire shaft and consists of Piping with Hydrant outlet at each floor landing, Fire Hose box containing Fire Hose and Branch pipe and Hose reel Drum. Hydrant outlets are provided on every floor to cover the entire floor area of the building using Fire Hose or Hose Reel Hose to Fight Fire. It is even connected to Booster Pump located at Terrace with Overhead Fire water tank. It is always charged with water and under pressure.

Automatic Sprinkler System

The AUTOMATIC Sprinkler System is an Active Fire Protection measure, consisting of a water Supply System, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water distribution Piping System, onto which Fire Sprinklers are connected.
Fire Sprinklers have become mandatory in High-rise Building, Commercial Buildings, Corporate offices, Industry, Warehouses, etc. according to the NBC, local building codes and enforcement.
Sprinkler Systems are operating at set Temperature as per selection of Sprinkler bulb. Each Sprinkler activates independently when the predetermined heat level is reached. While doing Design, it is considered that max 12 Sprinklers are operating at a time during Fire, thereby maximizing the available water pressure over the point of Fire Origin.
Fire Sprinklers are the most effective method of protecting lives and property. Sprinkler Systems are now recognized as being so effective they are being made mandatory in many situations.

Sprinkler Colour Codes are specified in below chart with respect to Temperature ratings.

Glass BulbOpening temperature in °CTemperature rating °C

An Automatic Sprinkler System is intended to detect, control and extinguish a Fire and warn the occupants of occurrence of Fire. The installation comprises Fire pumps, Control Alarm valve with Gong bell, sprinkler heads, flow switches, pressure switches, pipe network and various valves. The System operates automatically when Temperature in area of Fire reaches to installed sprinkler bulb rating and bulb brakes which in turn releases pressure in piping and triggers Pump operation.
Each sprinkler head contains a glass bulb or a fusible link. The bulb contains a liquid and a quantity of vapour. The liquid expands under the influence of heat as do the fusible link heads. When the temperature reaches a certain level– typically at 68 Degree Centigrade – it will expand the liquid and break the bulb or fusible link, which in turn releases water directly onto the seat of the Fire.

Pre-Action System

The Pre-Action Fire Sprinkler Systems uses concept of having Dry Pipe Sprinkler System. Water is withheld from sprinkler piping by a Pre-Action Valve. Pre-Action System generally requires two separate Fire Detection signals in order to operate. Thus the Systems are effectively Designed for water sensitive areas that require Protection from inadvertent water flow into the Sprinkler System piping. It is a pre-assembled Pre-Action System enclosed in a self-contained cabinet. It can be configured as single or double-interlock. The System typically consists of deluge pre-action valve, riser check valve, pre-action trim, fail-safe valve, butterfly valve, pressure switches, solenoid valve, Motor water gong bell, air compressor and a releasing panel. It is compact and aesthetically looking good. It is easy to install.

Water Spray Systems

The Water Spray Systems is a special Fixed Pipe System connected to a reliable source of pressurized water supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for application on area/ equipment to be protected. The System can be operated automatically by connection to QB Detector line either water charged or Pneumatically charged or electrical actuation through an automatic Detection and Alarm System or manually, or both.
The Water Spray Systems are generally used for Fire Protection of Storage tanks of flammable liquid and gas storage tanks, Cable cellars, Conveyors, pumping equipment, electrical equipment such as transformers, oil switches, rotating machinery etc.

Types of Water Spray Systems

Medium Velocity Water Spray Systems (MVWSS) :

Medium Velocity Water Spray Systems (MVWSS) used for Fire Protection of areas with Fire risks from low Flash Points flammable liquids (FP below 65 Degrees C) and also for Fire Extinguishment of water miscible liquids (polar solvents, alcohols etc.) small installation as it becomes Cost Effective and also serves the purpose of safety and location identification is easy.

High Velocity Water Spray System (HVWSS) :

High Velocity Water Spray System (HVWSS) used for extinguishment of Fire in flammable medium and heavy oils or similar flammable liquids having a flashpoint above 65 Degree C and for Live Transformer Protection due to emulsification. It works on three basic principles of Fire Extinguishing which are emulsification, cooling and smothering which results in rapid suppression of Sire within seconds. It has specifically Designed nozzles that are in accordance to the area to be protected, water flow and shape of the spray.

Foam Based Fire Suppression System

The Foam Based Fire Suppression comprised of three parts: Foam concentrate, water and air. Foam Based Fire Suppression produce an aggregate of air-filled bubbles from a concentrated aqueous Solution of foam. Foam Based Fire Suppression work on the principle that they produce a homogeneous foam blanket over or around the Fire resulting in exclusions of oxygen, cooling effect and thus extinguishment. This makes Foam Based Fire Suppression an effective option for protecting flammable and combustible liquids. They are classified by their expansion ratio.

Typical areas of Application :

  • Aircraft Hangars
  • Petrochemical
  • Oil and Gas
  • Flammable Liquid Storage
  • Tank Farms
  • Loading Facilities
  • Warehouses
  • Paint Storage or Manufacturing Area

Typical Areas of Application

✈️ Aircraft Hangars
🛢️ Petrochemical
Oil and Gas
🚨 Flammable Liquid Storage
🛢️ Tank Farms
🏗️ Loading Facilities
📦 Warehouses
🎨 Paint Storage or Manufacturing Area

Dry Riser System

The Dry Riser Systems is installed at Residential Building having less than 15mtr Height. It is down comer connected to Booster Pump installed at Terrace, which is connected to Overhead Fire water tank. It is always dry and not charged with water. It consists of Hydrant outlets and Hose reel Drums with accessories.